Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues
Native support.
The game initially runs at 1280x720, but resolution can be changed at any time through the options menu.
Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues
Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues
Hold Shift when entering the Video options menu to unlock access to all resolutions available on your system.
Keep in mind that multi-mon support is "unofficial", and a number of blemishes may occur during gameplay that will most likely never be fixed.
- Menu items overlap, some are off the screen. Navigation with arrow keys or controller remains possible, and you can always change resolution at any time.
- The camera may not follow Rochard very closely in certain areas; Rochard may stand away from the center of the display until he moves a bit further into certain rooms.
- In some of the larger areas, the picture may "vibrate" (quick low-amplitude shake) until Rochard reaches a certain spot. This occurs in 3x 16:9 resolutions mostly.
4K UHD Specific Solution & Issues