Widescreen Gaming Forum

Hero-U Rogue to Redemption 21:9
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Author:  Bth901 [ 15 Jul 2018, 10:04 ]
Post subject:  Hero-U Rogue to Redemption 21:9

Hi all,

the new little jewel game: Hero-U Rogue to Redemption which is based on the old Sierra game: Hero's Quest just came out. Unfortunately it doesn't Support 21:9 (2560x1080) on my 35" Monitor. I tried Borderless Gaming but it doesn't work. It is made with the Unity Engine. I assume there is a possibility to modifiy the exe? Maybe someone can help?

Thanks in advance.


Author:  Bth901 [ 15 Jul 2018, 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hero-U Rogue to Redemption 21:9

I just tried to change "39 8E E3 3F" into "26 B4 17 40" in the Hero-U.exe game exe and to my surprise it works. So far the game didn't Crash and I get 2560x1080 Resolution!

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