So after some research, it would appear the issue is something called sync polarity, and it can vary from monitor to monitor, and it has something to do with how the monitor vertically and horizontally syncs the picture, and if your sync polarity is different between the screens then surround won't work right.
I solved the problem by going into nvidia control panel, and under 'change resolution' I was able to make a custom resolution for each of the screens, and in the options I was able to select what polarity I wanted to use. I set each custom resolution to 61hz and made sure every number matched up with each one I set for each screen. Applied them and went back into Nvidia control panel and enabled surround and it worked at 5760x1080 @61hz
If anyone else has this issue I'll be happy to walk them through how to get it set up.
Here's a picture of the settings I used for each screen