Widescreen Gaming Forum

NVIDIA Surround with Skyrim
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Author:  pickup918 [ 28 Mar 2013, 19:25 ]
Post subject:  NVIDIA Surround with Skyrim

Hello everyone!

I recent obtained Skyrim and I have been trying to get the surround to work correctly to no avail... :crazy: The Skyrim Ultrawide Fix by HaYDeN gives me this:
+ Searching for RUNNING Skyrim Process...
+ Skyrim process found...
+ Process opened successfully!
# Image: E:\Games\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\TESV.exe
# Version:
! This version is not supported, Terminating.
# Supporting:,,,

Please, if anyone can point me in the right direction I would GREATLY appreciate it!!

Author:  Erik765 [ 29 Mar 2013, 05:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: NVIDIA Surround with Skyrim

With all due respect to Hayden, that fix isn't supported any more (doesn't support the latest Skyrim version).

Here's your solution- https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/index.php/Flawless_Widescreen

You may look into a map mod too since the default map likes to make markers move around quite a bit (at least on my rig). I'll see if I can find out the map mods I use (not on my rig at the moment) and post them here for ya.

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