Widescreen Gaming Forum

Triple projector curved screen - need some expert help
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Author:  ColdTurkey [ 20 Dec 2012, 05:37 ]
Post subject:  Triple projector curved screen - need some expert help

G'day everyone, long time reader of the boards first time posting.

I'm going to rebuild my entire living room based around my screen. I've got a bit of time to start the designs and maybe start the building in a month or two. I've drawn up some plans and want some personal input from people who've completed builds and who use curved screens themselves.

My plan: Triple Projector - Curved Screen - Optoma GT720's - Nvidia 3D surround

Use: Movies, Flight sim and other games.

My limitations: Screen max height, 1.6m - Total room width, 6m - Seating position (will not be able to sit "inside" the screen)

I'm going to build a cabinet the full length of the wall that will house all the AV equipment and the curved screen will sit on top of this. The cabinet must be 800mm high so that my 52" TV will retract inside of it and be hidden while watching the big screen.

Room dimensions:


Layout Option 1 (The one I think is the most correct)


Layout Option 2


Layout Option 3


3D views of Option 1



3D views of Option 3 - Black sections are speakers



The main thing I'm having trouble with is picturing what my viewing would be like with the different FOV's provided by the above options. Because I can't sit inside the screen and must sit back from the edges, would I really get the benefits of 120 degrees FOV?

Other questions: Am I going to have troubles with such a short throw distance (eg. extreme keystone problems)? Due to having such a wide vs high screen and larger screen radius, would longer throw projectors be an option?

Anyway, I'd like any and all input on this, I can't start work till I've finalised my screen design.

Cheers everyone.

Author:  benjimoron [ 20 Dec 2012, 09:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple projector curved screen - need some expert help

Looks awesome!

I'll take a more detailed look later, but for now I quite like option 2, although maybe move the PJ's back a bit so you can get some overlap??

Author:  ColdTurkey [ 02 Jan 2013, 07:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple projector curved screen - need some expert help

Progress - Not much. I've been experimenting with bed sheets trying to get an idea as to the size and curve of the screen but still can't decide on the best option but it's now looking like option 2

benjimoron - if option 2 is more the go I would try and increase the screen height a touch and move them back to get the overlap yeah.

I see people are moving more towards 2 projector setups these days,... would that be a better option in the long run?

I'm planning on setting up with a GTX 690 - 3D vision surround, but if 2 projectors are the go then I'll have to find a new setup.


Author:  benjimoron [ 02 Jan 2013, 13:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple projector curved screen - need some expert help

3 PJ's with 3d is about the best you can get I would say. But, that comes at a cost.

2 PJ's without 3d is far cheaper, not just the PJ's but the pc can be a much lower spec to run it. Think you start to need 2 x Nvidia gfx cards in SLI when you run 3 screens in 3d, whereas you can have a mid range ATI card for 2 in 2d.

Have a look at the projectorcentral calculator for the PJ's you want and then you can calculate how far they'll need to be away to get the screen size you want etc.

Keep us updated!!!

Good luck!

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