Widescreen Gaming Forum

Quake 4 Triplehead HUD Fix
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Author:  Jackal Frost [ 13 Aug 2011, 08:02 ]
Post subject:  Quake 4 Triplehead HUD Fix

Alright, I've been working on DRs, making and tweaking them, and for the past day or two, I have been working on adjusting the Quake 4 HUD for TH, this tweak is by no means finished, but it's usable. In theory, the HUD, and menus, and all 2D elements can be adjusted to be centered in Triplehead, but this is much easier said than done.

The nice thing is, this mod, while specific to Quake 4, can be easily done with any other id Tech 4-based game, such as Doom 3, Prey, and possibly even Brink, in fact, Brink might be an incredibly easy fix, but as I do not own it, I can't try.

Anyhow, here is a screen shot, and an initial release, it is customized for my resolution, 4320 x 900, unfortunately, I cannot test this for other resolutions, but I see no reason it wouldn't work, I have packaged it as a separate mod, you can install it by unzipping it to your Quake 4 root folder. It includes the Quake 4 TH AR Fix by Paddy, and a configuration file set for 4320 x 900, customize it as necessary.

Quake 4 TH Corrected HUD

As you can see, it's still a huge mess, the HUD isn't perfectly centered, and everything is very stretched still, in theory, everything could be perfect, but I am flying mostly blind here, as there are very few HUD mods for Q4 or D3. Anyone who wants to tweak this is welcome to, I don't care whether you credit me, but if you have any success, please post it for others to enjoy. If anybody wants to know how I did this, message me on Steam, and I'll explain it best I can.

Steam link: http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/thelolotov/

Whether or not I attempt to refine this fix, i.e. fix the stretching, fix the menus, non-essential HUD elements, loading screens, etc. will be dependent on the interest I see, same applies to fixing other D3-based games, excluding Brink, obviously. I fully welcome a more qualified person taking this project up, but I don't mind working on it.

Something to note, I am fairly certain that the *spoiler alert* Strogg portion of the game has a separate HUD, which I will also need to fix.

Anyhow, download, try it out, let me know what's still broken!

EDIT: Decided to look at the scope for the machine gun, turned out to be an easy fix, but it's not perfect.

Author:  skipclarke [ 14 Aug 2011, 03:10 ]
Post subject:  Image test

In the initial post, the "attached" image is showing as an attachment, and inline (where I placed it). However, it only shows it once on a reply. I think there is a styling issue with image attachments in initial posts in the forum. Leaving this here as an example to be worked.

Attached files

Author:  GitDat [ 02 Dec 2011, 02:03 ]
Post subject:  How do you get the game to

How do you get the game to run without being stretched? I loaded everything from the zip file you posted :(

Author:  Jackal Frost [ 02 Dec 2011, 03:53 ]
Post subject:  You also need to apply the AR

You also need to apply the AR fix, this page has more details: http://widescreengamingforum.com/dr/quake-4

Author:  GitDat [ 03 Dec 2011, 04:15 ]
Post subject:  thelolotov wrote:You also

You also need to apply the AR fix, this page has more details: http://widescreengamingforum.com/dr/quake-4

I've tried it all and my image is still stretched :( Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Tried deleting the gamex86.dll and using the one from your .zip download but my screen is always stretched like this:

Edit: I have the Steam version if that makes any difference.

Author:  Jackal Frost [ 03 Dec 2011, 21:43 ]
Post subject:  It does, as far as I know,

It does, as far as I know, nobody's adjusted the dlls for the steam version.

Author:  GitDat [ 04 Dec 2011, 03:09 ]
Post subject:  thelolotov wrote:It does, as

It does, as far as I know, nobody's adjusted the dlls for the steam version.

Eureka! I busted out the 4 old installation CD's and it's working now :) My frame rate is horrid now though. Is there a way to set it to just High quality instead of Ultra to see if that will help?

NM: Figured it out. Now if I can just get multiplayer running at 120Hz/120 fps I'll be golden! lol

Now I'm getting an error saying "this mod is for single player only" Argh!

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