Widescreen Gaming Forum

Running Cell Factor *without* PhysX card.
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Author:  neoWidescreen [ 18 May 2006, 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Running Cell Factor *without* PhysX card.

This is how you run Cell Factor with no PhysX card.

Here's a great little thread showing comparative benchmarks and people
s expressing their "expert opinion"; although it hasn't quite degenerated into everyone calling each other n00bs... not yet anyhow.


Best comment summarizing the success or failure of the PhysX card: "UT2007 will define it."

Author:  Evil Incarnate [ 18 May 2006, 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Running Cell Factor *without* PhysX card.

While that may work, the best way to run CellFactor without the PhysX card is by adding this to your desktop shortcut's target:


Much, much easier, with no extra downloads.


Author:  CodE-E [ 18 May 2006, 15:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Running Cell Factor *without* PhysX card.

Best comment summarizing the success or failure of the PhysX card: "UT2007 will define it."

Meh... who needs UT2K7 when there's ET:QW? :p

ET:QW will have ubercool physics, but it's all calculated by the CPU. It won't have lots of destructables and particle-spam, just really good vehicle physics, which is simple enough for a CPU to handle.

Author:  ajg [ 18 May 2006, 19:00 ]
Post subject:  Running Cell Factor *without* PhysX card.

Knew i had seen it somewhere. though i was going med(der) :)

Author:  Ice[DDZ] [ 20 May 2006, 04:07 ]
Post subject:  Running Cell Factor *without* PhysX card.

The game errors after loading the level with PhysX off... Oh well.

Author:  ajg [ 22 May 2006, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Running Cell Factor *without* PhysX card.

mine is fine, but boy does it play bad.. was hoping for some playability woth sli'd 7800 cards

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