stop telling people that the solution is to download THE ACTION QUAKE II ENGINE.
Where on the website does it say we should?
get nnsdev's recompiled QUAKE2.EXE from 2005, which is HOSTED on your DOWNLOADS PAGE. It's exactly the same as regular quake 2, but with widescreen resolution options.
Aprq2 and KMQuake2 have both been found to be better for widescreen, because you can increase the FOV.
to see some of the damage you've done, do a google search for "quake 2 widescreen steam."
The first item I'm seeing is a thread where someone recommends KMQuake2. The second item I'm seeing is this thread. I don't see any results on the first page that indicates we have caused "damage."
Anyway, the first part of the wiki anyone should look at when searching for widescreen solutions is the
MGL. You will note that it lists KMQuake2 as a widescreen certified Quake II engine. Before discovering KMQuake2, aprq2 was believed to be the best WS engine for Quake 2. The Quake 2 page itself still reflects that. There's nothing horribly wrong with Aprq2, nor was there since I made that page in 2006, but it is out of date, since KMQuake2 is better.
And I updated it to KMQuake2.