Widescreen Gaming Forum

Triple monitor help 2 x u3417w and 1 x s2617dg
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Author:  tankengine9 [ 29 May 2017, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Triple monitor help 2 x u3417w and 1 x s2617dg

Hi guys, long time reader of toms hardware first time poster,

so i work with dell, i got my hands on 2 x u3417 and 1 s2716dg,


i had 3 x u3011 before and i got a i7 6700k with a 1080gtx and span works fine, with all my games

now that i setup these monitors i cant span anymore in the nvidia control panel and was looking for some help, anyone experience this before?

i tried to customise a resolution of 9440x1440 but it wont work, inside the nvidia control panel is just reverts back to 3440x1440 x 2 and 2560x1400 for the 27"

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 29 May 2017, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple monitor help 2 x u3417w and 1 x s2617dg

Bad news, Nvidia Surround does not support mixed resolution... You need either 3x 3440 or 3x 2560. Or an AMD card, since Eyefinity supports it: https://community.amd.com/community/gam ... -eyefinity

Author:  tankengine9 [ 29 May 2017, 18:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple monitor help 2 x u3417w and 1 x s2617dg

scavvenjahh wrote:
Bad news, Nvidia Surround does not support mixed resolution... You need either 3x 3440 or 3x 2560. Or an AMD card, since Eyefinity supports it: https://community.amd.com/community/gam ... -eyefinity

oh man, i am so disappointed thank you so much for the info

Author:  Mrk2010 [ 02 Jun 2017, 05:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple monitor help 2 x u3417w and 1 x s2617dg


Sorry if this is on the wrong forum or not appropriate for the wsgf groups.

Could you setup a custom resolution for your primary monitor for the first monitor and then run games in a window spanning all 3? I have this running as have had same problem with the nvdia surround? Running 2 lgs and a dell s2716sg at 9440 x 1440.

Then used streaming software to remove borders.


Author:  Mrk2010 [ 02 Jun 2017, 05:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple monitor help 2 x u3417w and 1 x s2617dg

FYI I had issue getting custom resolution on dell to set so selected dell screen in control panel and then moved the the nvidia control panel off centre screen to the right lg panel and changed configure there. Remember to set refresh rate to 60 to match outer panels and then press Y when screen goes blank / fuzzy on centre or left arrow and press return. I'm using latest nvidia drivers and it worked fine.

Author:  Mrk2010 [ 02 Jun 2017, 05:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Triple monitor help 2 x u3417w and 1 x s2617dg

Also it doesn't allow you to adjust bezels etc like other software but it's better than it not working at all. elite dangerous running at 9440 x 1440 on a single 1080gtx is amazing!!

The dell is running on display port and so is one lg the other lg is running on hdmi.

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