Widescreen Gaming Forum

Why does my new PC crash games that work for other people?
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Author:  VirtuaIceMan [ 20 Mar 2015, 00:57 ]
Post subject:  Why does my new PC crash games that work for other people?

I've been struggling with my new PC to get late 1990s/early 2000 games to stop crashing to the Desktop. I've tried a hilariously long list of (increasingly desperate!) things to try to get them to run (as other people with Win8.1 64bit can play them!), but have not succeeded in tracking down the cause.

If you want to have a read and suggest anything, then please see my post on VOGONS (you can answer here if you like though):


Author:  Psythik [ 30 Mar 2015, 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why does my new PC crash games that work for other peopl

Make sure you RAM passes Memtest and that your CPU passes Prime95.

Author:  lerb50 [ 30 Mar 2015, 22:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Why does my new PC crash games that work for other peopl

Try this: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Home

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