
This score is awarded to games that have no widescreen support. The game may be unplayable in widescreen, or the image is stretched to fit the window. Correct aspect ratio is not retained.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 19 February, 2012 - 10:24

King's Quest: Mask of Eternity

The eighth and final installment in the epic King's Quest series of games by Sierra, this game was released in December of 1998. The game does not contain the number 8 or VIII in the title.

This game is available on Good Old Games as part of the King's Quest 7-8 pack, and utilizes DOSBox to play on modern systems. In addition to the games, the buyer also gets the game manual and reference card in PDF format, and avatars and wallpapers in JPG format.

This game marks a change from the previous titles, with a full 3D engine with the ability to pan the camera around the player in game.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 19 February, 2012 - 10:18

King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride

The seventh installment in the epic Kings Quest series of games by Sierra, this game was released in November of 1994.

This game is available on Good Old Games as part of the Kings Quest 7-8 pack, and utilizes DOSBox to play on modern systems. In addition to the games, the buyer also gets the game manuals in PDF format, and avatars and wallpapers in JPG format.

This game continues with a point and click interface, just like Kings Quest V and VI.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 19 February, 2012 - 10:12

King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

The sixth installment in the epic King's Quest series of games by Sierra, this game was released in 1992.

This game is available on Good Old Games as part of the King's Quest 4-6 pack, and utilizes DOSBox to play on modern systems. In addition to the games, the buyer also gets the game manuals in PDF format, and avatars and wallpapers in JPG format.

This game continues with a point and click interface, just like King's Quest V.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 19 February, 2012 - 10:06

King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!

The fifth in the epic King's Quest series of games by Sierra, this game was released in November of 1990.

This game is available on Good Old Games as part of the King's Quest 4-6 pack, and utilizes DOSBox to play on modern systems. In addition to the games, the buyer also gets the game manuals in PDF format, and avatars and wallpapers in JPG format.

This game dropped the copy protection from the previous game, and is the first in the series with a point and click interface.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 19 February, 2012 - 09:54

King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella

The fourth in the epic King's Quest series of games by Sierra, this game was released in August of 1988.

This game is available on Good Old Games as part of the King's Quest 4-6 pack, and utilizes DOSBox to play on modern systems. In addition to the games, the buyer also gets the game manuals in PDF format, and avatars and wallpapers in JPG format.

The game has an in-built form of copy protection requiring the user to enter a keyword from the game manual. The game is uses text inputs.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 19 February, 2012 - 09:31

King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human

The third in the epic King's Quest series of games by Sierra, this game was released in October of 1986.

This game is available on Good Old Games as part of the Kings Quest 1-3 pack, and utilizes DOSBox to play on modern systems. In addition to the games, the buyer also gets the game manuals in PDF format.

The game uses text-based actions.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 19 February, 2012 - 09:24

King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne

The second in the epic King's Quest series of games by Sierra, this game was released in 1985.

This game is available on Good Old Games as part of the King's Quest 1-3 pack, and utilizes DOSBox to play on modern systems. In addition to the games, the buyer also gets the game manuals in PDF format.

The game uses text-based actions.

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